Tuesday, 9 August 2016

How to Maintain and Water Garden Plants

How to Maintain and Water Garden Plants Properly

When is the Best Time to Water Your Garden

Tips for Watering Gardens

Do not water plants during the heat of the day in the summer, this can burn the plants foliage. It's not good to water in the evenings either as it encourages fungal diseases on the plants leaves. If you have to water late at night, try to keep the leaves dry, this is the main cause of black spot and powdery mildew on the plants leaves because they are left wet during the night.

How Should I Water My Garden Plants

Which type of sprinklers are the best?

Don’t use sprinklers on windy days this is wasting our precious water, the water is not watering the spot you intend to water, the water is wasted in the air.

It's not good to water your plants with a light watering every day. This will encourage a shallow root system within your plants.

Keep the sprinkler where it is needed and not watering paths or driveways.
A sprinkler that has a fine mist is not as good as a sprinkler that produces larger water droplets. Sprinklers that produce larger drops of water will penetrate into the soil better.

Water all your plants including daylily plants deeply this encourages a strong deep root system and keeps your plants healthy.
Be careful using waste water on your plants and that the waste water does not contain bleach, this will kill your plants pretty quick smart so using laundry waste water is not a real good option unless you are sure of what the washing powder contains.

Before planting your plants and each year add in organic matter to your soil this makes better soil structure and allows for an easy root run for your plants.

Mulch will help your plants grow well, you will use less water when you keep your plants well mulched. A thick layer of mulch applied every six months will prevent you from having to water your plants as often and this means you can sit back and admire your garden a lot more often instead.

Install an irrigation drip system, drippers and soaker hoses used up side down use much less water than standing there and watering your plants by hand or using sprinklers. Drip systems are the best option, put on timers this saves money and time.

Group plants with the same water needs in the garden, some plants need more water than others. For example fruit trees will need a deep soak once a week while annual flowers such as pansies and petunias will need watering every second day.

So take care while watering your gardens during the year especially in the summer months this will keep the diseases away, save you money and keep your garden looking very healthy. The best time to water your garden is early in the morning.

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